How to Train your Dragon 2 Brain vs. Muscle who will win?

brain is better than muscular muscle good looking person
brain is better than muscular muscle good looking person

There’s a movie that my daughters watch all the time, it’s another of their favorite movies or they just have kids movies that they want to watch all the time, the title of the movie is “How to train your dragon” or is it “how to train a dragon”, by the way version 2 is coming out “How to train your dragon 2”. As I watch it over and over again with my kids, it’s not that I want to, but I have no choice to watch it with them, missing some parts here and there, but I kind of pick up one thing from this movie. The little boy for sure as a character very skinny and small, compare to his father and the rest the  Viking villagers. It turns out that the boy uses his clever brain to work with one of the most dangerous dragon and be a team instead of killing it. The village has dragon problems and the people are trying to kill all the dragons as it invaded the village. What I notice is the muscular people there doesn’t use their brain much, they just use their physical strength to defeat the dragon. The little thin skinny boy was able to spent enough time with one of the dangerous dragon and learned quite a few things that he uses during the dragon killing training, he doesn’t kill the dragon, he defeated the dragon by various methods that he had learned. So as a result, if a person want to succeed in life, you don’t have to be muscular strong and good looking, you just need a brain and the will to learn anything, I wouldn’t say learn anything, but just say certain things that can help, that can applied for whatever situation currently happening or will happen.

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