Not too often I hear any big news about Koreans, especially violent one. Well, it happen today, front page of almost every news paper in the country, 7 dead 10 injured and Police might have the shooter in custody as of now. The thing special about this is that it happen to a Christian University, we’re talking about religious school, however other people goes there knew the shooter, they said he looks crazy all the time, and they just had him attending there to see how long he can hold up, but I guess he exploded today, starting shooting everybody he sees, again a religious Christian university, does this make you stop going to church or step away from your christian religion? I don’t know heheheheh, but what I can say is that, this could happen anywhere, anytime and to anybody! so take care of each other, treat them the way you want to be treated but keep your eye open, be suspicious, be cautious! ok peace!