Umm Yummm! Fish Burger is good, Salmon fish burger that is. Today is the 2nd to the last day of every Friday Vegetarian day for most catholic like me. This salmon fish burger isn’t bad at all, and probably better than the meat burger. My wife got the bun and salmon fish paddy from BJ max, pretty good price. Simple preparation, no – not microwave or oven. I use the burger paddy cooker, cheap one $10 $20 from walmart and it cook great, within minutes it’s ready, and then put some salad on it with some salad dressing, might not want to use ketchup or A1 sauce it doesn’t taste too good with seafood, so better to use salad dressing sauce. Awesome lunch for vegetarian 🙂 today. Too bad I don’t think none of my facebook friends families know I have a separate personal blog and I don’t even go to facebook anymore and none of them question why? oh well, hahahah 🙂 So this blog is for you whoever reading this, you’re my friend, welcome back anytime, feel free to drop me a line.