I think this is the second time this year that she caught a cold somehow, my wife and I’ve been telling her to wash her hand and don’t stick hand finger into her nose ear eye mouth ect … even though she had a flu shot yearly but it doesn’t prevent all viruses I guess. I haven’t got a flu shot for a while few years at least, but by good practice such as wash your hand when you can, most places (business), now a day have a germ killer hand wash lotion that you can use before entering the store and leaving the store, this should help since the wash lotion does kills some germs, so use it :). A common cold is something as I know cannot be cured, just have to wash it out, drive it out, live with it for a few days to week, even you get a flu shot, it clearly indicate it does not prevent all the common cold viruses, there are different common cold viruses and the standard flu shot does prevent all, but most.