Well, this item is another ipad epad touchpad android table, whatever you call it, I bought it cheap $70 when it was on super sale, the listed price now still about $90 or so, this is also another you get what you pay for, it look nice and everything. But – it also slow like my epad just sold today, it’s not sleek, I hate it. The quality video also sucks. These types of cheap ipad is perfect for reading ebooks that’s about it, for everything else, it will probably will make you mad, angry, raise your blood pressure and eventually slam it to the ground ahahahhaha. OK so maybe I’m exagerating but you get what you pay for. The HP touch 32GB I have probably out perform the appled ipad 1 2 3, HP touchpad apparentally discountinued HP won’t manufacture or support it anymore, so probably good for hackers to buy and hack it.