Not too many rebates items mail in rebates or so call MIR offers checks now a day, they sends you a credit card prepaid with certain amount, which is pretty hard to use. Thanks to Mcafee some items they still offer a rebate checks I think it’s awesome, all I need to do is deposit to my bank and use it any way I want. Mcafee rebate you’re the best! you rock! I will promote your products for free on this site because you deserve it. Not like this one company so call themself Sigmatek something didn’t even return my call or respond my email, they sucks big time 🙂 and it’s been 4 months, unbelievable! Mcafee is one of the best antivirus and security tools to use for personal and business – The company I’m currently working for still uses McAfee after many years 20 years or more perhaps and their employees are protected. However as many know, not all computer can be gurantee to be secured, one of those computer one day will get attacked with viruses, but with security in place that computer will get take off the network by disabling it’s MAC address be connected to the company network 🙂 awesome huh!