That’s right people, marketing strategy, their headline advertisement said
100% Risk Free
Try It Before You Buy It!
*No computer Required!
*Transfer Your Current Phone Number!
*Installs in 2 Easy Steps!
Well, it’s not that simple – And you don’t just plug it into the power outlet. First time set up you would need a computer and register and paid for the product subscription, then set it up to work without a computer, but still you would need to plug Ethernet cable RJ45 into an internet hub switch or router or internet network, so if you’re thinking of just plug into the power socket anywhere in the house or anywhere in someone’s else’s house or traveling anywhere with power socket, NO it doesn’t work that way! 🙂 You need fast internet and a network cable to plug into the router or internet port and hope that it work. Don’t be fooled by too good to be true advertisement, they will make a sucker out of you 🙂