Well if you’re Vietnamese and especially the ladies including women girls, you would probably know today is the special day for you, the men suppose to treat you with highest respect as possible 🙂 whether that will happen or not, don’t know, but out on the street you better treat them with respect in Vietnam, because on looker will be watching you and you pick on your wife chances are you will get stoned to death lol no just kidding. Vietnam vietnamese women’s day is similar to Valentine day in USA, except women get treated special such as getting flowers massage anything they want from their husband, boy friend, grandpa, dad and so on. Married woman, mommy, grandma, great grandma, most will probably get a day off doing nothing but sleep watching tv, relax, get flowers, massage, get good food, and so on. Young Vietnam vietnamese women ladies unmarried, probably get treated from their b/f lovers or whoever crushed on them will probably get tons of flowers treats and asking out dinner and gifts. Little girl such as students in high school and below will probably be treated same as the older unmarried young women. Bottom line, I’m surprise that Vietnam have this day reserved, because in Vietnam the culture had been, the wife work and most errands around the house and get very little respect from the husband, most even get yelled at and beat up slap up side down, and some even became a slave and even worst sex slave, just awful. However there are small volume of Vietnamese women in Vietnam succeeded, off course the one that is well educated and had been trained at a young age smart enough not to let anyone pick on them, in fact some women even fought back physically and mentally. So be respectful to one another, give Vietnamese women a break today not just in Vietnam but everywhere else in the world. By the way in Vietnamese, we call it “ngay phu nu” http://tv.tuoitre.vn/tin/1518/mot-lang-co-400-phu-nu-lam-chu-gia-dinh