My cousins are adding additional head counts this year of the dragon

new born year of the dragon 2012
new born year of the dragon 2012

Just visited facebook, that I haven’t been on lately and haven’t post anything on it for months, and I won’t be posting anything on it 🙂 hehehehheh, if friends and family cares what I’m doing, they would ask, but none of them asking, it’s good and bad. Oh well, maybe I should post that I’m left facebook and have my own blogs 🙂  … nahhhh!!! . Anyhow, at least two cousin that I know will have new born this year, the other two more I’m not sure which cousin, and it’s the year of the dragon, I’m a dragon also base on chinese zodiac, dragon every 12 years I think, I was born in 1976, a young dragon (binh thinh), even younger dragon now heheheh. Wish all them best of luck, which I’m sure all of them are already successful had houses investments and business, basically my grandpa side of the family everyone are doing very well, doctors, physician, engineer, business owners, pharmacist, making a happy large amount of money, they all did through hard work and higher education, and off course going to Church frequently :). As for me, I’m just a typical guy working and helping my family, especially my mom side, we don’t make much money but we’re happy and together, and in addition I give back to the community such as Folding@Home, provided free Audio books Radio News Music for the Vietnamese communities without any ads or asking for any money 🙂 and I’m happy with that.