Congratulation to my cousin be Cuong having new born

new born to the world - baby - child - children
new born to the world - baby - child - children

Haven’t check my facebook lately, came and check saw a bunch of new post, didn’t even read, noticed my cousin be Cuong had new born baby boy, born year of the dragon 2012. Congratulation cousin, I know you probably don’t know I have my own blog, and I never post anything on facebook anymore, not even respond to message or accept friends or other functions, some people might see me online facebook all the time, but guess what? I’m not physically there hahahhah. Anyhow, new born is a big gift from god, it’s always a good thing , can bring lots of luck, and lots of responsibilities, or I guess you could just take it easy and let baby grow up be whoever they choose to be 🙂 good luck with that hehehehh. One recommend for men and woman and whoever you are, don’t have baby if you’re not ready, having a new born is bringing new life to the world, and make sure you have the time and know the responsibilities to raise the new born into a good person, not a burden to society to hurt other people, or hurting themselves.