A spider created a trap spider web and killed a snake witness

a spider can kill a snake proof no match
a spider can kill a snake proof no match

That’s right, amazing 🙂 outrageous, unbelievable or probably doesn’t happen to too often, a spider create and spider web and trap a snake, then save it for dinner eating it little by little 🙂 yummy lol. Well it’s not funny 🙂

spider web trap a snake and spider killed it
spider web trap a snake and spider killed it


a spider kill a snake and eating it
a spider kill a snake and eating it

Very good Asian chinese movie to watch The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate 2011 2012 dvd blu-ray Jet Li

the flying swords of dragon gate 2011 2012 blu ray dvdrip free download
the flying swords of dragon gate 2011 2012 blu ray dvdrip free download

Just finished another movie, staring Jet Li, if you understand Mandarin, even better. If not, you would have to read subtitle. I wouldn’t watch the translation version, it sucks, first you don’t hear the real characters real voice and 2nd the translation voice is terrible, sometime like cartoon or kids characters :). So better watch with subtitle in English Vietnamese or other language, I’m sure many different languages. Love the action, special effect, the settings, the scene, the characters, everything were just so realistic. The ending isn’t great because Jet Li girl friend left him, and everyone separated gone their own way, the pregnant girl turn out to be decoy she died the bad guy died, and even the princess dead in the end :). So go enjoy this movie. You can probably watch it streaming for free or free download somewhere 🙂

Incredible and sad stories in regards to the tornado that swept through the mid-west east toward Indiana Kentucky Ohio March 2012

Entire Month's Worth of Tornadoes Strike in One Day March 2012 Indiana Kentucky Ohio
Entire Month's Worth of Tornadoes Strike in One Day March 2012 Indiana Kentucky Ohio

By now, many people know about the tornado that swept through the mid-west east of the united states, total devastation. In additional after the impact, many sad stories started to emerge, such as family of 4 to 5, but only might have survived is a toddler girl. Another story, a baby was slip out of the mother’s arm and found dead later in the field, this is just total devastation. So, where was god during this time some people ask? well I’m asking the same question, but don’t question god, if you believe in god, everything has its purpose, bad things happens for good things to come … and so on. I would like to my send my hope and prayer to the family that had been impacted by this storm March 2012, my god be with you. The thing about natural disaster is it cannot be carefully predicted and cannot be prevented and absolutely cannot be stopped. It’s one of the thing mother nature can do, non of us can do anything about it, we can only predict and hide, but no accurate prediction can be carried out, even with accurate prediction, there will be a lot of people will get impacted.

Common cold symptoms and treatments 2012 cold season is over

common cold symptoms and treatments winter 2012
common cold symptoms and treatments winter 2012

Some people still encounter the last period of a cold season. I was lucky, didn’t get impacted, probably because staying clean wash my hand, doesn’t meet much or in contact much physically with people. For others, many I known, having a cold can destroy quality of life, day to day basis.


Cold symptoms usually occur within 2 or 3 days after you came in contact with the virus, although it could take up to a week.

Symptoms mostly affect the nose. Continue reading “Common cold symptoms and treatments 2012 cold season is over”

Giving birth through a penis?

Just saw some from animal planet that’s very twisted. An animal giving birth through a penis. Totally twisted, what the eff. It’s true, it is on video on animal planet. How is this even possible, how can a male animal get pregnant? or was it a deform animal? In this care was a hyena. Nasty! ewwww

giving birth through a a penis
giving birth through a a penis

Kingston and Zotac mail in rebates are awesome fast and in check format

zotac and kingston rebate are the best 2012
zotac and kingston rebate are the best 2012

Just got two Kingston rebates checks and a Zotac rebate check. These are mail in rebate, and I’m surprise that I get these by form of checks, normally now a day most companies offer mail in rebates are usually sends you a prepaid credit card which I think sucks I don’t like it. A check is better because I can just deposit into my bank and use it however I want to. Prepaid card I have to use up to the limit and someone if it’s $20, and I use $18.99 and I can’t do much with the left over $1.01, so it’s a lost, and sometime most merchant don’t allow paying in multiple prepaid or credit cards, another bad thing. Rebate check is awesome much better than prepaid card. Anyhow, Kingston rebate is fast, I mailed in with many other rebates companies but Kingston processed it fast and I go the check. Same with Zotac, I mailed it with many other rebates companies same time and those other one still pending, some even indicate haven’t receive my mail in portion yet which sucks big time, especially with rebateshq.com, becareful with rebateshq.com when I contact them a month after I send in the mail in portion, they said they haven’t got it yet, they said due to high volume it might be still in the mail pile backlog, very bad business, I urge companies using rebateshq.com to reconsider their rebates outsource, don’t let rebateshq.com handle their rebates business, I have terrible experience with rebateshq.com And I do a lot of mail in rebates and only have 50% smooth process so far.

Happy birthday niece


Just got home from my sister’s home, it was my niece’s birthday and also celebrating her new home remodeling. The house is very nice, they did the modeling by themselves, save a ton of money and have many experience to put on their resume for future careers 🙂 lol. Well, they did do a good job. Thanks to them a great day of joking around talking, good food prepared by my mom and them.

banh canh
banh canh
goi tom thit homemade clean shrimp
goi tom thit homemade clean shrimp
goi cuon
goi cuon


The adventures of Tin Tin 2011 2012 movie on dvd blu-ray

the adventures of tin tin 2011 2012 blu ray hd dvd rip download free
the adventures of tin tin 2011 2012 blu ray hd dvd rip download free

Just finished watching The Adventures of Tin Tin on Blu-ray version. Not a bad movie at all. I like adventures movies, and with action, realistic action even better. What I like most about this movie is another avartar so call animation with realistics characters, it’s half animation and half real life acting, which is similar to avartar on blue screen chroma screen so call. Now a day I recommend everyone to watch movies on blu ray or high definition version when possible, it is awesome. I don’t know if streaming from netflix and other online service is as good, blu-ray is awesome. Although megaupload is dead, there are other download service out there for cheap as low as few dollars per month, and the one that’s always seems to be reliable is newsgroup which cost about $10 a month or so.